This is the beginning…..

Hello everyone. This is my first ever blog post on my own page about vintage lenses and adapting them to modern mirrorless cameras.

I started this project out of my own love for vintage cameras. About 3 years ago I found a mystical box with various old Exakta EXA mount lenses inside it. At this time I used a a Sony Alpha 77II as my main camera. Adapting the old lenses coming with EXA Mount to my Sony A Mount translucent mirror camera was quite easy. There are several adapters but they all need an compensating glas element.

Because of the loss of quality that my cheap far east adapter gave me I soon decided to move on to a Sony Alpha 6000 my camera in combination with adapters and vintage lenses.

The good thing about the Alpha 6000 is the really short flange focal distance of the Sony E Mount system. This gives the adapter enough space to be built without a compensating glas element.

After a while of being active in several Facebook and Instagram communitys I decided to buy some more old objectives like the legendary Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50 and 100. Up to today I own over 40 lenses which will be reviewed in this blog. The list of lenses can be found here.

After posting some of the really cool photos I took with these lenses the first questions began to pop up. People asked me about the lenses, the technique, the camera, the adapters and it happened more and more often. So I finally decided to start this project and spread the love and addiction for vintage lenses.

On this page, me and some guest authors will tell you everything what we know about all the different lenses, adapters and camera systems. If you have any questions feel free to comment or email me.

7 thoughts on “This is the beginning…..

  1. Hi, you made a very nice site here. First thing I noticed was the professional layout and secondly as a side effect I guess, how good it function in terms of translate. I have some experience with old lenses and E-Mount as I started with Nex5 when it came out and got me a 7RM2 this summer. For that I got the Sony LA-EA4 so I can profit from the old Minolta Af. lenses. My collection cover wide from Minolta „Beercan“ to a couple very fine Konika lenses I got yesterday. But congratulation with your very nice site, it has potential.

    1. Hi PerCorell,
      thank you for the feedback. I see we both have gone the same way. Cheapo E Mount transformed up to the 7RM2. I do also have some Minolta AF lenses back from my Sony A300 and my fathers Minolta 9000af. Of course I do own a famous Beercan aswell. But I also got some other really fantastic lenses like the Minolta 50mm f1.4 aF, The 100mm f2 AF and the 100mm f2.8 Makro.
      Within the next days I should receive a russian 1000mm f10 mirror lens and a porst 55mm f1.2. Happy to add them to my collection.
      Kind regards,

      1. This is great, I did not want to list my collection, but I started this interest with the Nex5 . But at the moment it is about getting a decent wide angle for the 7RM2, where you can get lenses that almost cost what the camera body cost or you can be tempted by Sony’ s new f:4 series. But there are a trap there, as when you spend 800$ on a wide angle Af. lens, you must be very avare that it is second hand even new price are over 2000. — As I said I own the LA-EA4 so it is obvious to look into what top quality there are with A-Mount.
        Off Topic look into my Vintage Binocular collection ;

        1. Have you read the post about the Flektogon 20mm lenses? Maybe thats a good choice for you.
          Really nice Binocular collection. Love their look

  2. Hope to find the Flektogon 20mm, but I just ordered the Konika AR. to Nex adaptor and want to check those two lenses first. My focus really are the Sony / Minolta Af. lenses. But check out what was dumped in a container — spoils from a house cleaning ;

    My oldest son saw it by chance but as he has a Canon D7 that is difficult to use with old lenses, I took it over and will se how the two lenses will perform with Sony 7RM2 and Nex5. It’s the two lenses above, but I find it sad how this old camera with box and everything, even a small ” Yashica viewing lens No2 30ø”, guess for checking diaposatives, will never be used again like the loades of camera houses we se stripped of the lenses,– sad.

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